The EnergyFactory is the engine that revitalises the Hoendiep area, the magnet that pulls Groningers towards the Sugarfactory terrain and surroundings and breathes new life into the furniture boulevard. Sugar gives energy-Sports gives energy. In 2035 Groningen will be an energy neutral city. Thus, The EnergyFactory becomes a pioneer generator, instead of consuming energy the EnergyFactory supplies power into the city of Groningen. Energy produced by Muscle, Wind and Solar energy and heat is extracted and reintroduced into the city electrical grid. The new EnergyFabriek is a boost of power. #1. SOCIAL INTERACTION. The eneRGY FABRIEK offers a stage for social interaction through sports, recreation and restaurant facilities. It functions as a stage for students and creatives to meet, revitalizes the furniture boulevard and offers a recreational place to enjoy the nature as a family. Various events take regularly place in the location drawning different type of public all year round. Outdoor activities: sailing and climbing school, jogging, BBQ promenade, city beach and public bath that in winter becomes ice skating ring. Indoor Activities: gym-fitness, squash courts, sports hall (also to rent out to schools and business), restaurant-cafe, flex-offices if desired. New connections are proposed to and into the site: a water taxi service from the central station and a new pedestrian bridge. #2. ACTIVATION SUGAR FACTORY TERRAIN. The EnergyFactory is a crossover between a public park, a sports facility and place for cultural events. Through the events bridge the Energy Factory interacts with the large sugar factory site in the south connecting Hoendiep and the City Park area in the south. The sugar factory site is envisioned as a public park developed through agriculture and flower fields industry and making home for events on its main square several times a year. Also several water activities take part in the area, a marina, a city beach and public bath. While the old buildings of the ex Sugar factory are proposed to be pioneered by creative industries, the new building of the Energy factory is drawing new people to the area and revitalizes it. The EnergyFactory as well as the sports/leisure park surrounding the building will have various installations to harness solar and wind power. The EnergyFactory houses a large ground source heat pump to control the climate inside the Energyfactory without using energy from the grid. #3. ENERGIZING HONDIEP. The EnergyFactory creates the impetus to develop the Hoendiep furniture district as a Co2 and energy neutral zone with the use of solar panels and wind turbines as well as roof gardens and green public areas. This will enhance the ersonality of the district and make it more attractive to visits. The EnergieFabriek contains a large sports hall, a gym, a café/restaurant, squash courts and other sports activities. Flexible on demand, spaces can be easily rent out independently per floor to sport companies that would develop these activities in the area and therefore could eventually run economically independent. Flexibility gives option in the future to house several smaller spaces for flex-offices, or even studios. The EnergyFactory is a project which combines a simple but attractive structure, an economically feasible set up being co2 neutral. Attracts and participates all main groups of users in the area, neighbors, furniture boulevard business individuals, students and creatives promoting a healthier life in a healthier environment. #4. FEEDS ENERGY TO THE GRID. Sporting gives mental energy while burning physical energy. The Gym of the EnergyFactory harvests the physical energy through specialized gym equipment and feeds it back to the city electrical grid. The building as well as the sports/leisure park will have various installations to harness solar and wind power. The EnergyFactory houses a large ground source heat pump to control the climate inside the Energyfactory without using energy from the grid.